Playlist for January 13 – 19, 2025
Quick playlist highlights:
– Whitechapel is back baby. The new album is shaping up to be a monster. ‘The Valley’ and ‘Kin’ were fine, but it was such a waste of Whitechapel’s talent. Phil got a lot of credit for experimenting with clean singing, but let’s be honest, it’s not his strong suit. This is the type of music that Whitechapel is meant to make. The lyrical call backs to ‘This Is Exile’ are super cool too. This is probably the only time a band has said that they are returning to the heaviness of their earlier albums and actually meant it.
– August Burns Red released the second single from the re-recorded version of ‘Thrill Seeker’ and it’s so good. It features Josh McManness, the original vocalist that performed on ‘Thrill Seeker.’ Hearing these songs is taking me back to when I was a like 13 years old.
– Architects seem to have realized that their last two albums were absolute garbage and are returning to a heavier sound. They’re working with Jordan Fish (who was recently kicked out of Bring Me The Horizon), and you can hear the similarities to BMTH. That being said, this song is the epitome of over-produced, artificially heavy metalcore. I think the album will be good, but man, Architects have burned a lot of bridges. As a side note, I hate that the line before the final breakdown is “There’s nowhere to go when the sky is the limit.” The phrase “the sky is the limit” means there are no limits and anything is possible. It doesn’t make sense that there’s nowhere to go when the sky is the limit – by definition, there is everywhere to go.
– Fox Lake has been doing cool things for the last few years. Lots of attitude. Very fun.
– Enterprise Earth just released the first single off of their new EP that is coming out on January 30. This one seems particularly dark. Travis is such a good vocalist. So much range, so many styles.
– Drown In Sulphur just put out a new album. They’re a cool blackened deathcore band from Italy that has forged their own sound within a genre that Lorna Shore has taken over. I picked this song because I like the uplifting undertones.
– Windwaker‘s new single took me a couple listens, but it’s really starting to grow on me. Their vocalist’s melodies are hypnotic.
– I’ll give Not Enough Space a quick shout out even though I hate their social media presence and the fact that they base all their marketing around their female members. This new song is decent – I like the chorus.