Weekly Update #33 – December 8, 2024
Published by PecksMetalPicks on
Reflections // Shadow
Released: November 29, 2024
Reflections is an unstoppable machine. This three-song EP was written by Jake Wolf (vocalist of Reflections) and Calle Thomer (guitarist of Vildhjarta), and it was produced by Buster Odeholm (guitar, bass, and drums for Humanity’s Last Breath). It is essentially a follow-up to Reflections’ three-song EP from 2021 called ‘Silhouette’ which also involved Calle and Buster.
For those who are familiar with this style, all I need to say is this: Thall. If you’ve somehow not listened to Vildhjarta and Humanity’s Last Breath, you have no idea the cavernous depths into which you’re about to descend. Abyssal atmospheres, ruinous soundscapes, and eery environments are at every turn.
Reflections leans even further into the Vildhjarta / Humanity’s Last Breath influences this time around. The tranquil atmospheres typically present in Reflections’ earlier work are juxtaposed with deep, slow grooves. Jake’s deathcore vocals, which have increased in presence on Reflections’ recent material, further solidify the heaviness of this EP.
It’s interesting because Reflections has so many sides to their music. The side on this EP is essentially a Humanity’s Last Breath release but with Jake on vocals. They have also been re-recording and remastering their early albums like ‘The Fantasy Effect’ and parts of ‘Exist’ (which they just released on October 22). They are both ridiculously good, and I’d love to see Reflections bring some of that progressive metalcore style back in the future. And then releases like ‘Willow’ and “Scapegoat” are super dark with the band going in more of a deathcore direction.
The only word of advice I have for Reflections is that they not lose sight of the vocal style from ‘The Color Clear’ and the albums before it. Jake’s lyrics are powerful, and being able to understand them is what hooks casual listeners and turns them into lifelong fans. The recent deathcore vocals are a great addition to the arsenal, and I remember how excited people were to hear small sections of them on the early albums, but an over reliance on them can cause songs to blur together and diminish the melodic aspects that Reflections does so well.
As one of my all-time favorite bands, I’m always excited to see Reflections continue to grow and try new things. The possibilities for these guys are limitless.
Playlist of New Songs
Quick playlist highlights: Ran out of time to do the normal highlights so here’s the quick version. –
– The Crimson Armada has another single and it rips.
– Great American Ghost is killing it with these singles.
– Bullet For My Valentine released a 20th anniversary edition of ‘The Poison.’ These guys and Atreyu were the first truly heavy bands I listened to in like sixth grade so it’s a trip down memory lane listening to this iconic album again.
– Extortionist and The Last Ten Seconds of Life is a great team on this single.
– Always fun to highlight a new Breakdown of Sanity song.
– Ready, Set, Fall had some great songs on their 2014 album. Cool Italian metalcore band that seems to be trying to get back into the swing of things.
– Blind Witness is also trying to get back in the saddle. Super solid return after years of radio silence.
Have you ever wanted to vote on your favorite albums at the end of the year? Well now you can!
I created the Google form below to get your input. I’ll still have my official list, but I’m also going to create a second list that compiles your rankings. All you have to do is respond to the first question and put 10 (or more) albums in order from your favorite to least favorite.
The form has a list of about 75 bands that released music this year in case you need a helpful reminder. You can also add other bands to your list – the 75 I provided are just meant to be a helpful reference. I put the bands in alphabetical order to make sure I didn’t reveal my own ranking.
There isn’t a maximum, but I ask that you at least provide your top 10. As an example, your list could look like this:
1. Like Moths To Flames
2. Alpha Wolf
3. In Hearts Wake
4. Erra
…all the way to 10 (or more)
Don’t forget to submit it when you’re done!
DRAMA – Oceano Is Done?
Oceano received a lot of backlash after announcing a tour with Attila and Dealer. This prompted Adam Warren, the vocalist of Oceano, to quit the band.
I honestly haven’t kept up with all the allegations so I’m not 100% sure about the situation, but it’s pretty well known that Fronz (vocalist of Attila) is a dickhead and Aiden (vocalist of Dealer) has had allegations that he settled out of court while also having problems with almost every bandmate he’s ever had. It’s no wonder the tour was called “America’s Rejects Tour.”
Adam Warren initially responded that he was unaware of the situation and that he always does his best to make live shows safe. But after more pressure, he abruptly quit Oceano and said he will focus on his solo project, Adam On Earth. It’s unclear if Oceano can/will continue on without him.
In his announcement, Warren seemed to air some grievances that he’s probably been holding onto for a while, most notably that he is “surrounded by complicit industry people” and “a metal ‘scene’ riddled with cosplay” that does not prioritize “artistic integrity.” I linked part of his response below, but it was pretty disconnected, and he kind of talks like a conspiracy theorist so it’s not the easiest to make sense of.
Believe it or not some people don’t spend their life on the internet. My only goal has been to take opportunities to push Oceano forward since the fans said they wanted it. You will not make me out to be a bad person for things I am
— ADAM ON EARTH (@AdamOnEarth_) November 21, 2024
Not connected to when it comes to what other…
DRAMA – Knocked Loose on Jimmy Kimmel
Knocked Loose performed live on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Poppy actually sounds decent here and Bryan’s pig squeal at 2:25 is unbelievably sick. This is massive for heavy music.
DRAMA – Tim Lambesis Being Crazy
In the November 17 newsletter, I talked about every member of As I Lay Dying quitting except for vocalist Tim Lambesis. The parting statements were pretty vague, but many alluded to morals, ethical concerns, and personal safety. Then the below video of Tim Lambesis being a psycho to his new wife came out.
I don’t know lady, it’s probably time to run for the hills. Dude tries to hire a hitman to kill his ex-wife and that’s who you decide to marry? And if this is what’s on camera, I can’t imagine what else has happened, both in his dealings with his wife and his bandmates.
The new As I Lay Dying record is sick, but Tim’s obviously going through some stuff. Hopefully he can stay out of jail and keep pumping out killer albums. I really can’t blame the other members for bailing, but…it’s just a shame. That was such a strong group of musicians.
Some were unsure about my claims about Tim Lambesis I made in this video (linked here https://t.co/qBsQFFWQgA ) but 2 videos dropped yesterday of him acting in the same manner towards his wife pic.twitter.com/FZy6A3Y3Zx
— Brian Flannigan (@flann80156) November 27, 2024