The Requiem // A Cure To Poison The World

This is an interesting debut album from a band that I didn’t expect to enjoy. I’ve never really liked this brand of emo / post-hardcore before, but Static Dress opened my mind to it a little more last year.
There could definitely be more screams, but if you want a throwback to the sound of your middle school break up, this will probably do it for you. Lots of angst, heartbreak, and drama. But it’s fun for what it’s supposed to be.
I’ve seen comparisons to My Chemical Romance, but I can’t validate that because I’ve only ever listened to like three of their songs. My version of middle school heartbreak was more like Atreyu and Bullet For My Valentine.
Kind of a weird fact – the band was originally called L’exquisite Douleour and their vocalist is named Damien Douleur.