Coda // Deathbloom

Published by PecksMetalPicks on

@coda_official // Deathbloom
Released: July 5th, 2019
Genre: Metalcore, Post Metalcore
For fans of: Vitja, Polar, Napoleon
Is it good? Yes, and it took me multiple listens to appreciate all the levels they’re operating on.

‘Deathbloom’ navigates a realm we’re familiar with, but the band’s internal struggles shine through, infusing their personality into the music, creating a sound all their own. With such a captivating debut effort, it’s no wonder Coda has become one of my favorite new German bands.

Tracks like “Chimera” and “Stray Dog” immediately stand out, but it wasn’t until my third or fourth listen that I began to notice everything that was going on. The vocals have so many subtle shifts in tone to reflect varying degrees of emotion and the band does such a good job adjusting to match the changes. Whether it’s introducing piano notes to assist the cleans or creating tension during the breakdowns with eery effects, they demonstrate more than enough versatility.

The vocals also keep things interesting, jumping between passionate outbursts and melodic passages. In many instances, the vocals act like another instrument, building upon the the rest of the band as the fervent verses grow stronger.

Creating an atmosphere around an album doesn’t frequently happen in metalcore but the way the slow, foreboding intro of “Epilogue, Ch. I” continues through the first minute adds to the mysterious darkness. The set up for the low vocals during the breakdown also makes it my favorite track on the album.

It’s exciting to see a new band start off with such a solid release. Their creativity and range is extremely promising and they’ll only become more successful as they continue to grow and test their limits.

Categories: Reviews


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